What is the compress?

The compress is any material, a cloth, for example, applied with pressure to an area of the body. It’s usually held in place for a period of time, and it can either be hot or cold, or dry or wet.
In some cases, compresses are also infused with medication or herbal remedies.

Use a cold compress to relax muscle pain
1. Pain Relief
A study showed that participants who wrapped their necks with ice packs experienced reduced symptoms of neck pain.

2. Recharges Muscles After a Workout

Applying a cold treatment aids the muscles in repairing themselves. One review of studies revealed that cryotherapy helped lowered muscle pain in 80% of the analyzed studies.
Cryotherapy Definition: A pain therapy that uses localized freezing temperatures to alleviate irritated nerves
The study also showed that people experienced improved athletic performance and recovery in 71% of the analyzed studies.

3. Soothes Injured Tissues, Joints, and Muscles

A cold compress can provide relief for sprains and bruises by reducing inflammation that causes pain. If you treat ankle sprains with a cold compress, it can take about a week to recover.
The therapy can also help with repetitive strain injuries like:
Plantar fasciitis – A swelling of the plantar fascia that joins the front of your foot and your heel, causing extreme heel pain
Shin splints – An inflammation of the bone tissue surrounding your tibia, tendons, and muscles
Cubital tunnel syndrome – Includes stretching or pressure on the ulnar nerve, causing weakness in the hand, pain in the forearm, or tingling and numbness in the small fingers
Trigger finger – Painful locking when you bend or straighten your finger
Tendonitis – A swollen tendon as a result of an injury
Carpal tunnel syndrome – Squeezing of the median nerve causing tingling, numbness, or pain in the arm and hand

4. Speeds Up Recovery from an Injury
As cold therapy helps reduce swelling, it can also help your soft tissue normalize its function at a faster rate.


1 Promotes Healing of Injuries
Heat increases blood flow in the body. This effect can help heal injuries faster and lower pain levels from an injury.

2 Relieves Soreness and Spasm
Body soreness or spasm may be a result of over-exertion or working out a body part that’s been kept unexercised for a long time. Heat therapy can help loosen tightened muscles and relieve swelling.
3 Eases Muscle Tension and Stress
Muscle tension and stress usually go hand in hand. Heat therapy gives a soothing feeling and added comfort to the affected area.

Post time: Jul-08-2022